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French Courses - description

a)   Source  : based on the Quebec Government's French Curriculum

b)   Contents : Phonetic, Grammar and Vocabularies.

c)   Skills : oral (expression and comprehension) and written (expression and  comprehension 


Levels: basic, intermediate, advance, master. Please see détails below.


Level 1 – Basic Introductory. Duration: 5 - 6 weeks .  Register now

Cost: $105.  

Expected Results: Being capable of understanding and using simple expressions in response to concrete situations in every day life.


Level 2 - Intermediate level. Duration: 6 - 8 weeks.  Register now.

Cost: $125. 

Expected Results: Being capable of understanding simple expressions pertaining to personal and family life, work, and shopping; being able to give simple descriptions of one’s training and discuss one’s day-to-day life.


Level 3 – Advance level. Duration: 5 - 6 weeks. Register now.

Cost: $125

Expected Results: Being capable of understanding key points when addressed in clear and standard language about such familiar subjects as work and hobbies; being able to express oneself about familiar subjects and fields of interest; having the ability of understanding key points in complex texts or technical discussion within one’s field of expertise; being in measure to express oneself in a clear and thorough fashion on a wide range of subjects.


Level 4: Autonomous level. Duration:  5 - 7 weeks.  Register now.

Cost: $125.

Expected Results: Being capable of understanding long texts and implicit information; having the ability to express oneself in an effective, flexible, and well-structured manner on complex subjects; being in measure to understand practically all information, without significant effort, in both oral and written circumstances; being capable of expressing oneself spontaneously, precisely, and with a great deal of fluency on complex subjects.